With over 40 years in the trade we have established valuable relationships with the best local suppliers and farmers, to ensure the meat we supply is high quality. We carry out traditional whole animal butchery, ensuring consistency and traceability.
Our Beef is hand selected from a local supplier, coming from various local farms in Durham, Hexham and Northumberland, we use a lot of traditional British Breeds as well as Aberdeen Angus and Dexter. Our dry aged Beef is normally aged for 32 days to intensify the flavour and texture of your steaks!

Our English Lamb is a mix of popular breeds, with the vast majority coming from just up the road in Northumberland. Succulent, tender and full of flavour!

Our Poultry is British and come from farms with high welfare standards. We also sell Herb Fed Chicken, these are free range and fed on a diet of various herbs to enhance the flavour! Their farm is based in North Yorkshire.

Our pigs are supplied locally and are butchered down to to provide all pork cuts, we even cure our own bacon! We sell rare breed pork from a farm in Hamsterley Forest, Co. Durham. Rare breed pork has a thicker layering of fat which adds to the flavour and also create superb pork scratchings! Our free range Pork comes from a farm in Yorkshire, their breeder is passionate about pig welfare and has won many awards. The pigs are outdoor bred, with 100 pigs per acre, leading to super healthy and happy pigs!

We are lucky to have supplier of top notch local wild venison, primarily coming from the Scottish highlands and northern borders. breeds include Roe and Sika Deer. Venison loin steak is one of our favourite cuts, a sure way to impress dinner guests! We also get local duck, rabbits, geese, pheasants, partridge and woodcock when in season.